After writing about the first two limbs of Patanjali’s Eight-fold path of yoga, I would like to continue with the other limbs:
– Asanas (yoga postures)
– Pranayama (control of the breath)
– Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses)
– Dharana (concentration)
– Dhyana (meditation)
– Samadhi (absolute bliss)
These limbs are Patanjali’s suggestions or guidelines for living a meaningful and purposeful life through yoga. The eightfold path is called Ashtanga, which literally means “eight limbs” (ashta = eight & anga = limb). The eight limbs are all equally important and are related as parts of a whole. Ideally this Eight-fold path of yoga will lead you to enlightenment.
“mens sana in corpore sano” or “a healthy body in a health mind”