The realisations of my dreams are journeys, not destinations

I’m so happy to share my latest news: I have registered myself for a Yoga Teacher’s Training!!!!! I’m so excited to have made this decision. It is a part time training; one weekend per month for six months and will start in February 2013 in Auckland in New Zealand.

Last night while I was lying down in savasana (corpse pose) to end a great yoga class, I realized how good it feels to follow my heart & dreams. All the decisions I have made using my heart, resulted in beautiful life changing experiences. For example, I remembered the one day I just felt I had to register myself for The Journey Practitioner’s Programme of Brandon Bays. My mind worried a bit about how I was going to pay for costs as a student, but my heart just screamed for it. So I did and it caused a breakthrough in my life.

When I moved to another city in The Netherlands without a clear purpose or reason, I felt lonely in the beginning and blamed myself to have made this crazy move without job or a social network in a new environment. Hindsight has taught me how I have grown personally and developed myself because of this spontaneous move. In addition, I met amazing people, including my perfect partner.

And then the BIG move to New Zealand to live with my partner. A lot of people say I’m brave and strong to move to the other side of the world far away from my family and friends and again without work. Though, I have never made a decision so quick and easy. My heart almost begged me to do this. Even though, we had only been together for a couple of months. Here I am, living in New Zealand for about 14 months already. Of course, I have my difficult and emotional moments at times, but in general I can say I feel really grateful & happy to live in this beautiful country together with my lovely partner. My new life in New Zealand has provided me with time, energy and space to develop and deepen my yoga practice and to finally make the decision to start a Yoga Teacher’s Training. It feels so right.

Now and then my mind disturbs me with doubts and worries; ‘It is a lot of money and your temporary agreement is almost ending!’, ‘You’re way to insecure to be a Teacher’, ‘Your English is not perfect enough’, ‘You’re not flexible enough’ and so on. Then I remind myself, it is not about the destination, but about the goal. So maybe my journey to become a yoga teacher will take a lifetime, so be it. At least, I have dreams and goals to live for and from.

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The realisations of my dreams are journeys, not destinations

I’m so happy to share my latest news: I have registered myself for a Yoga Teacher’s Training!!!!! I’m so excited to have made this decision. It is a part time training; one weekend per month for six months and will start in February 2013 in Auckland in New Zealand.

Last night while I was lying down in savasana (corpse pose) to end a great yoga class, I realized how good it feels to follow my heart & dreams. All the decisions I have made using my heart, resulted in beautiful life changing experiences. For example, I remembered the one day I just felt I had to register myself for The Journey Practitioner’s Programme of Brandon Bays. My mind worried a bit about how I was going to pay for costs as a student, but my heart just screamed for it. So I did and it caused a breakthrough in my life.

When I moved to another city in The Netherlands without a clear purpose or reason, I felt lonely in the beginning and blamed myself to have made this crazy move without job or a social network in a new environment. Hindsight has taught me how I have grown personally and developed myself because of this spontaneous move. In addition, I met amazing people, including my perfect partner.

And then the BIG move to New Zealand to live with my partner. A lot of people say I’m brave and strong to move to the other side of the world far away from my family and friends and again without work. Though, I have never made a decision so quick and easy. My heart almost begged me to do this. Even though, we had only been together for a couple of months. Here I am, living in New Zealand for about 14 months already. Of course, I have my difficult and emotional moments at times, but in general I can say I feel really grateful & happy to live in this beautiful country together with my lovely partner. My new life in New Zealand has provided me with time, energy and space to develop and deepen my yoga practice and to finally make the decision to start a Yoga Teacher’s Training. It feels so right.

Now and then my mind disturbs me with doubts and worries; ‘It is a lot of money and your temporary agreement is almost ending!’, ‘You’re way to insecure to be a Teacher’, ‘Your English is not perfect enough’, ‘You’re not flexible enough’ and so on. Then I remind myself, it is not about the destination, but about the goal. So maybe my journey to become a yoga teacher will take a lifetime, so be it. At least, I have dreams and goals to live for and from. 

4 gedachten over “The realisations of my dreams are journeys, not destinations”

  1. I totally see what you mean! I am from Germany originally and wondered about the same things. Guess what? I simply ended up teaching in both languages, there are many expats everywhere who prefer being taught in their mother tongue, particularly when it comes to names for specific muscles or bones.

    Good luck on your journey!

  2. Heeej lieve Jacinta,

    Erg mooi om je openhartige stuk te lezen. Zoals je al zegt en doet: Volg je hart! Ik heb er bewondering voor hoe je ook dit avontuur weer aangaat.

    Liefs en nogmaals heel veel plezier en succes gewenst met de opleiding! Ik heb er (meer dan!) vertrouwen in dat je een goede keuze hebt gemaakt en helemaal op je plaats bent in de yoga wereld.


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