
Smiling makes you beautiful!
Smiling makes you beautiful!

Smile and discover all the friendly people around you….

Last couple of days I’m wondering if I have a sign written on my head: “Be nice please, I need it!” Or (probably more likely) I’ve finally opened my eyes to all the friendly little gestures, words, smiles and signs I receive every day.

  • The courier guy who is always greeting me nicely and asks me how I’m doing,
  • The friendly cashier in the supermarket who seems to be genuinely interested in my weekend,
  • My colleague who is willing to help me out again,
  • Another yogi in class who remembers that my family came around for Christmas and asks how that was,
  • My partner who so kindly made my dinner again and knows exactly what to say to calm me down after a stressful day at work,
  • The compliment I receive about my work & efforts from my manager,
  • The smile of the lady I pass every day on my bicycle,
  • My wonderful yoga teacher who hugs me after she has been away for a couple of weeks,
  • Another great yoga teacher who makes me feel energized and feel confident after a challenging yoga class,
  • The goodbye kiss I receive in the morning from my love before he leaves to work,

make my day!

Even while you're upside down, you can still smile!
Even while you’re upside down, you can still smile!
  • If I am practicing a challenging yoga pose it always helps me to smile. Then I immediately realize it is just a yoga pose and I shouldn’t take myself and life so seriously. It makes me light and yoga becomes so much more fun to do as well.
  • The other wonderful thing about smiling is that everyone smiles in the same language. Whether we are aware of it or not – our body response on someone’s smile is a smile ourselves.
  • Another note to keep in mind; a child smiles about 400-500 times a day! The average adult only manages to smile 10-20 times a day….Be a little bit more like a child!
  • It makes me realizes that we look so much more beautiful if we smile. No matter how beautiful you are, if you look grumpy, you will be grumpy.
  • Remember: You are not responsible for how your head looks like, but you can take responsibility for the faces you make.
Smiling takes less energy than to frown
Smiling takes less energy than to frown

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