

Have you seen the documentary Samsara yet? It is a non-narrative film of 99 minutes which combines visual and musical artistry. Samsara is filmed over nearly five years in twenty-five countries on five continents. Samsara is a Sanskrit word that means ‘continuous flow’ or the ‘the every turning wheel of life’. It is the repeating cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth or reincarnation. This film brings us to sacred grounds, disaster zones, industrial sites and natural wonders. For sure, Samsara is not a traditional documentary, more a guided visual meditation. The powerful images stay with you for days and you’re encouraged to develop your own interpretations of the images.

After being in a ‘visual guided meditation’ for 99 minutes, I was still, impressed, almost shocked. Samsara made me a bit sad, seeing how we humans live our lives and how we treat the earth and ourselves. The film started a bit slow; with nature images flowing by slowly, but before you know the pace goes up and you’re drawn into the images and actually grateful for that slow and steady start. People are filmed in the same close-up during the movie with no smiles appearing. It makes you wonder how they feel; are they sad, happy, lonely, desperate or angry? Do they feel anything at all? I was shocked to see with my own eyes how different people in the world life; in slums, in factories, in prisons. I loved the images of the babies and the monastery, it gave me the feeling that there is something good in life as well, something to live for. I felt relieved to be a vegetarian most of my life when I saw images of meat factories and factory farms. I recognized the surprising creative coffins from my stay in Ghana. At times I had difficulties looking at persons, because of scars, burns and piercings. My partner and I were both wondering where the images where taken. If you have seen the movie and are curious as well, have a look: SAMSARA and BARAKA

Above all, it made me realize what is really important in life: Family & Friends and following your passions. Life comes and goes. Opportunities come and go. So let’s enjoy Life NOW!

If you haven’t seen this interesting documentary, have a look at the trailer:


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Have you seen the documentary Samsara yet? It is a non-narrative film of 99 minutes which combines visual and musical artistry. Samsara is filmed over nearly five years in twenty-five countries on five continents. Samsara is a Sanskrit word that means ‘continuous flow’ or the ‘the every turning wheel of life’. It is the repeating cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth or reincarnation. This film brings us to sacred grounds, disaster zones, industrial sites and natural wonders. For sure, Samsara is not a traditional documentary, more a guided visual meditation. The powerful images stay with you for days and you’re encouraged to develop your own interpretations of the images.

After being in a ‘visual guided meditation’ for 99 minutes, I was still, impressed, almost shocked. Samsara made me a bit sad, seeing how we humans live our lives and how we treat the earth and ourselves. The film started a bit slow; with nature images flowing by slowly, but before you know the pace goes up and you’re drawn into the images and actually grateful for that slow and steady start. People are filmed in the same close-up during the movie with no smiles appearing. It makes you wonder how they feel; are they sad, happy, lonely, desperate or angry? Do they feel anything at all? I was shocked to see with my own eyes how different people in the world life; in slums, in factories, in prisons. I loved the images of the babies and the monastery, it gave me the feeling that there is something good in life as well, something to live for. I felt relieved to be a vegetarian most of my life when I saw images of meat factories and factory farms. I recognized the surprising creative coffins from my stay in Ghana. At times I had difficulties looking at persons, because of scars, burns and piercings. My partner and I were both wondering where the images where taken. If you have seen the movie and are curious as well, have a look: SAMSARA and BARAKA

Above all, it made me realize what is really important in life: Family & Friends and following your passions. Life comes and goes. Opportunities come and go. So let’s enjoy Life NOW!

If you haven’t seen this interesting documentary, have a look at the trailer:


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