Dance…like I am watching you!

Life has its ups and downs or more correctly; I experience emotional hills and valleys.

If I come home grumpy there are certain things I can do to transform my mood:

– Go outside for a walk (and maybe you meet a group of dolphins in the nearby bay, I did! )

– Do some suitable yoga;

And remember if you don’t have a yoga school nearby, there are many resources on the internet or in the library you can use nowadays.

– Spend time with your loved ones and then I mean really spend time with them. So let go of your busy work day and give them your full attention. A massage is well-received most of the times.

– One of my favorites: DANCE! As crazy and passionate as possible. Of course you need some good music for that, to bring you in the dance mood. Here are some of my favorites which makes me jump out of my chair and grumpy mood straight away. That is why I enjoyed my time in Africa; there people swing and smile through life.





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Dance…like I am watching you!

Life has its ups and downs or more correctly; I experience emotional hills and valleys.

If I come home grumpy there are certain things I can do to transform my mood:

– Go outside for a walk (and maybe you meet a group of dolphins in the nearby bay, I did! )

– Do some suitable yoga;

And remember if you don’t have a yoga school nearby, there are many resources on the internet or in the library you can use nowadays.

– Spend time with your loved ones and then I mean really spend time with them. So let go of your busy work day and give them your full attention. A massage is well-received most of the times.

– One of my favorites: DANCE! As crazy and passionate as possible. Of course you need some good music for that, to bring you in the dance mood. Here are some of my favorites which makes me jump out of my chair and grumpy mood straight away. That is why I enjoyed my time in Africa; there people swing and smile through life.





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