Being you and me


 “The closer people get to self-realization the more ordinary they become”

– George Feuerstein –

Recently I came across this beautiful quote. For me this is so true. The more you discover who you really are, the more likely you are to live a peaceful and content life. You don’t have to be a famous guru, yoga teacher or healer to make a difference and inspire others. If that is your dharma in life, you can of course, but it is not a necessity. It is less important what you do, than how you do it. For example, you can run a small café in a remote village and create a loving, inspiring and warm atmosphere for your customers. You don’t sell yourself as an enlightened person, you’re just you and you do your best in whatever you’re doing. During my time in Africa, I experienced the most beautiful moments with the most ordinary persons.

For me it is a perfect realization, when I’m eager to take up more yoga training’s and workshops. I’ve just completed my 200 hour Purna yoga teaching certificate and I’m already thinking about more training. I hardly stand still to celebrate this completion point, my head is thinking ahead. As usual, I start to compare myself with others and feel an urgent need to do more study. It feels like I’ve been on the top of the iceberg and now I’m so keen and curious to experience and learn more about the rest of the mountain. On the other hand, I know that we’ve just moved to another city and I’ve hardly any income. Honestly, it doesn’t feel like the right time yet to undertake and pay for more study.

My doubts fade away when I read the quote about self-realization. It made me realize that it doesn’t make me a better person if I do more study. I’m not going to become enlightened faster (or at all) by paying for another yoga training or spiritual course. All those training’s, workshops and studies around yoga, mindfulness, meditation, spirituality are trying to teach me one and the same thing: it is already here – inside me. Stop the search and the ‘shopping’ instead enjoy this moment, this life, right now. Everything is already here – you only have to realize it. And by realizing and living that you become a true inspiration for others and an enjoyable presence. Just being you; as simple as that.


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Being you and me


 “The closer people get to self-realization the more ordinary they become”

– George Feuerstein –

Recently I came across this beautiful quote. For me this is so true. The more you discover who you really are, the more likely you are to live a peaceful and content life. You don’t have to be a famous guru, yoga teacher or healer to make a difference and inspire others. If that is your dharma in life, you can of course, but it is not a necessity. It is less important what you do, than how you do it. For example, you can run a small café in a remote village and create a loving, inspiring and warm atmosphere for your customers. You don’t sell yourself as an enlightened person, you’re just you and you do your best in whatever you’re doing. During my time in Africa, I experienced the most beautiful moments with the most ordinary persons.

For me it is a perfect realization, when I’m eager to take up more yoga training’s and workshops. I’ve just completed my 200 hour Purna yoga teaching certificate and I’m already thinking about more training. I hardly stand still to celebrate this completion point, my head is thinking ahead. As usual, I start to compare myself with others and feel an urgent need to do more study. It feels like I’ve been on the top of the iceberg and now I’m so keen and curious to experience and learn more about the rest of the mountain. On the other hand, I know that we’ve just moved to another city and I’ve hardly any income. Honestly, it doesn’t feel like the right time yet to undertake and pay for more study.

My doubts fade away when I read the quote about self-realization. It made me realize that it doesn’t make me a better person if I do more study. I’m not going to become enlightened faster (or at all) by paying for another yoga training or spiritual course. All those training’s, workshops and studies around yoga, mindfulness, meditation, spirituality are trying to teach me one and the same thing: it is already here – inside me. Stop the search and the ‘shopping’ instead enjoy this moment, this life, right now. Everything is already here – you only have to realize it. And by realizing and living that you become a true inspiration for others and an enjoyable presence. Just being you; as simple as that.


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