Favorite Yoga/Healing/Self-development/Spiritual Books

It has been a long time since I found and made time to write/post/blog. Today after teaching my yoga class, one of my students reminded me of my website and the books I recommended to her, which I could make available to all. This has been on my mind for a while too, hence this post.

I have always loved reading! I remembered receiving an award in the last class of primary school for having read the most books. I would often read in bed and our babysitter would reminded me to sleep instead of read in bed till late. In high school, I lost the love of reading for a while after having to read ‘literature books’ and analyzing them into detail. I lost my love and joy for reading only temporarily luckily.

The last decade, I have been drawn mainly to books about yoga, healing, self-development, spirituality etc I know very boring, right? I am a bit of nerd. Before becoming a mum I would read lots of maternity, pregnancy and baby books, I will keep that list for another time. Inspiring books remind me what is really important in life, I use them to prepare my yoga sessions and they are a great way for me to relax and not to waste time on social media.

So here is my (longish) list. I have organised them into two main groups, yoga and self-development/healing, although some of them fit in both the groups. Thank you for everyone who has been recommending books to me and I would love to hear about your favourite books!

Yoga Books

The Yamas & Niyamas, Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice, by Deborah Adele

Bringing Yoga to life, the everyday practice of enlightened living, by Donna Farhi

Fierce Medicine, Breakthrough practices to heal the body and ignite the spirit, by Ana T. Forrest

Perfectly Imperfect, The art and soul of yoga practice, by Baron Baptiste

The Path of the Yoga Sutras; a Practical Guide to the core of Yoga, by Nicolair Bachman

Wheel of Life, The Classic Guide to the Chakra System, by Anodea Judith PhD

The Four Desires : creating a life of purpose, happiness, prosperity and freedom, by Rod Stryker


Self-development/Healing Books

The Dance of Connection, How to talk to someone when you’re mad, hurt, scared, frustrated, insulted, betrayed or desperate by Harriet Goldhor Lerner

The gifts of imperfection, Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are, by Brene Brown

Daring Greatly, How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead, by Brene Brown

Anatomy of the spirit, The Seven Stages of Power and Healing, by Caroline Myss, Ph.D

The surrender experiment: My journey into life’s perfection, by Michael Singer

The untethered soul, The journey beyond yourself, by Michael Singer

Wild Feminine, Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body by Tami Lynn Kent

The Power of Now, A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, by Ekhart Tolle




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