
Balance you life and yoga practice with Sthira and Sukha

Patanjali described yoga asana as “Sthira Sukham Asanam” or ‘a steady, comfortable posture.’ Sthira refers to steadiness and firmness in your yoga practise and sukha involves gentleness, softness and ease. Cultivating steadiness and ease in each pose requires a combination of effort and release. These two Sanskrit words are opposite, but equally important. It are […]

Balance you life and yoga practice with Sthira and Sukha Lees verder »


Dharana is the sixth stage or limb of Patanjali’s Eight-fold Yoga path. It may be translated as ‘concentration of the mind’ or ‘single focus’. You could define dharana as: ‘the mind thinks about one object and avoids other thoughts’. It is the initial step of deep concentrative meditation. The essential idea is to hold your

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Patanjali’s Eight-fold path of Yoga

After writing about the first two limbs of Patanjali’s Eight-fold path of yoga, I would like to continue with the other limbs: –          Asanas (yoga postures) –          Pranayama (control of the breath) –          Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses) –          Dharana (concentration) –          Dhyana (meditation) –          Samadhi (absolute bliss) These limbs are Patanjali’s suggestions or guidelines for living a meaningful and purposeful life

Patanjali’s Eight-fold path of Yoga Lees verder »

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