
The integration of Yoga in normal day life

The Sanskrit word ‘Purna’ means integrated, complete or ‘full’. Purna Yoga represents a holistic approach to yoga integrating all eight limbs of yoga the way it was originally taught in India. The focus is not just on the physical postures, but also on the other seven limbs including philosophy, meditation, pranayama and yogic personal and […]

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Google satya and you will find lots of Indian restaurants and a movie. If you include truthfullness in your search, you will come closer to the meaning of the second yama. Satya is the sanskrit word for truth. The practise of satya goes way beyond not lying. It includes being truthful and honest with ourselves,

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The first yama ahimsa, is usually translated as ‘non-violence’. It refers not only to physical violence, but also to the violence of words or thoughts. For me, the violence of words or thoughts is not as obvious and clear as physical violence. It makes me think; which of my thoughts or words are harmful? I

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